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  • Introduction
    • Terms and Definitions
    • Logging In & Out
    • Navigation
    • Quick Start
  • Participants Area
    • Managing Classes
    • Adding Participants
    • Participant Window
      • Edit Participant Info
      • Deposit Tokens
      • Goals & Awards
      • Reward Purchases
      • Family Contacts
      • Print Participant
    • Participants Grid
      • Search and Filter
      • Choosing Columns
      • Sort and Rank
      • Shortcut Buttons
      • Selecting Participants
        • Batch Deposits
        • Print Accounts
        • Other Batch Tasks
      • Across The Bottom
  • Goals Area
    • Goals Grid
    • Add & Edit Goals
      • Eligible Participants
      • Eligible Classes
      • Award Tab
      • Recipients/History
      • Advanced Tab
    • Goals Grid Columns
  • Currency (Tokens)
    • Plain Tokens
    • Award Certificates
    • Admission Certificates
    • Certificate Image
    • Size & Quantity
    • Confirm & Finish
    • Printing Tips
  • My Shop
    • Custom Rewards
      • Reward Window
      • Image & Preview
      • Eligible Participants
      • Eligible Classes
      • Notifications
      • History & Advanced
    • Purchase Alerts
    • Warehouse Rewards
      • Removing Items
      • Adding Items
  • Activity
    • Participant Transactions
    • Participant Purchases
    • Historical Graphs

Welcome to the User Guide.

This guide is intended to be a comprehensive reference to the many features of the Web-Application and related reward shop application for your participants, (Admin.Token and Shop.Token, for short).

Navigate to specific topics about the various areas of Admin.Token using the "Select Topic" menu on the left.

You may also use the "Previous Topic" and "Next Topic" buttons to step through the topics as a tutorial.
The following terms and definitions are used throughout this guide and in
  • Participant - Depending on your reward program, participants can be students, patients, club members, team players, employees, or anyone you would like to set goals, award tokens and provide rewards within your token economy.
  • Class - Any named grouping of participants to be managed by assigned users. The topic titled Managing Classes has much more detail.
  • Token - The unit of award currency for your token economy. Admin.Token provides flexibility for naming your award currency (Points, Credits, Stars, etc.) This user guide will use "Tokens" throughout. Please substitute your currency name where applicable.
  • Goal - A specified target behavior you want to display and award when it is achieved or completed by a participant. A goal can be narrow or broad in scope; such as a task, a series of objectives, or a general behavior you would like to reinforce. Each goal has an associated award and token amount to be given to a participant upon completion or achievement. Examples and more can be seen under the topic titled Goals Area.
  • Award - Granted to participants for completion or achievement of a goal. Each award's goal has an assigned token value which is added to a participant's ledger when award is granted.
  • Reward - Any item, tangible or intangible, that a participant may purchase with his or her awarded tokens. The rewards are the "back-up reinforcers" for the token economy. Just remember, administrators grant awards, participants purchase rewards.
  • Super User - An Admin.Token user who has no restrictions regarding participants, classes and goals. Super Users can also create accounts for other users (class administrators). See more under the topics Settings > Users and Participants Area > Managing Classes.
  • Class Administrator - A user who is restricted to managing participants, awarding tokens and goals for their classes that were assigned by a Super User.
Note the terms "Goal, Award, Reward" used in Admin.Token may not mean exactly as those established in academia regarding a Token Economy or as defined in some dictionaries, but they do generally mean the same thing. These terms have simplified or broadened definitions needed to facilitate training and usability of Token Rewards' token economy platform.
Click the "Log In" Button at the top of the screen to open the Log In Form.
Enter your e-mail address and password.
Users whose accounts were created before Jan 1, 2012 may continue to use their old "User Code" through Jan 1, 2013 at which time we will have changed over to e-mail address logins only.
Place a check before "Login automatically..." to save a browser cookie which will automatically log you in the next time you visit Admin.Token. Click "Log Out" to delete the cookie. It self-deletes in 30 days.
If you've forgotten your password, enter your e-mail address to enable the "Send Password..." button. After clicking it, and if the e-mail entered is a valid Admin.Token user account, a link will be delivered to the address. Click the link in the e-mail to automatically log in. Click the "Edit My Account" link after logging in to change your password.

After a successful login, the top of the screen will appear like this:
Your reward program's name and user name are displayed here.
Click the "Log Out" link to ensure nobody uses Admin.Token without your authorization. Especially important if your participants use this computer.
Click the "Help" link to open the Admin.Token User's Guide (what you're currently reading).
The "Edit My Account" link will open the following dialog:
Click the appropriate button to change your e-mail address or password. Note that you will have to confirm a new e-mail address if you change either one. You will also be sent a confirm confirmation e-mail, if changed.
Your "User Role" and "Manageable Classes" can only be changed by a Super-User in the Settings area. See more at Settings > Users.
The save button will enable if you change you user name, title, or phone number. Click to save your changes and close the dialog.

Navigate to the various areas of Admin.Token using the main menu on the opening screen or the menu bar at the bottom.

The area you are currently in will have its icon visible and be colored green. So in the example image above, the user is currently in the Participants area.

Click the standing Blue Man on the left to return to the main menu.
To quickly get your program up and running, perform the following steps. You may also deposit tokens by granting awards for completed or achieved goals and tasks, but this is not required to get your program started quickly.
  • Set Some Goals - Display goals and grant awards to participants, see Add & Edit Goals.

The Participants Area is where you view and manage all the participants in your program or assigned classes, depending on your access privileges (Super-User or Class Administrator).

In summary, you can:
  • Manage Classes (Super-Users only)
  • Add, Edit, and Inactivate Participants
  • Grant Awards for Completed Goals
  • Deposit Miscellaneous Tokens into Participant Accounts
  • Withdraw Tokens and Purchase Rewards for Participants
  • Review Individual Participant Activity
  • Rank, Sort and Search Participants
  • Perform Batch Operations (Deposit, Print, Inactivate, etc.)
Using participant classes is optional but necessary when you have a large number of participants or multiple administrators awarding tokens or assigning goals for sub-sets of participants (i.e. classrooms, geographically separated franchises, etc.)

If you will be using classes, we recommend you enter them first so participants may be assigned to their proper classes when they are added into Admin.Token.

If not using classes, skip to the next section.

To view, add, or edit the participant classes, begin by clicking the "Add & Edit Classes..." button. Only Super-Users can modify the class structure of your program and see this button. It is not displayed to Class Administrators.

The following dialog window will appear when button is clicked:

Click the "Add Another Class" button to add a new row to the list of classes. Each row/class has three columns:
  • Class Group Name - Enter or edit the class or group name here.
  • Participants - Displays how many active participants are currently assigned to the class. It will say "New Class" after the "Add Another Class" button is clicked.
  • Remove - Click to remove the class record. After saving, any participants having that class assignment will lose it permanently. So be careful when removing classes!
"Save" or "Cancel" your changes to close the dialog.

You assign the administrators to classes when creating new users at Settings > Users.
To manually create accounts for one or more participants, begin by clicking the "Add Participants..." button in the Participants Area.

The following dialog window appears:

The following fields are available when adding or editing a participant account:
  • Name - Enter the participant's name as in a formal letter heading, e.g. John D. Smith III. This is the only required value to save the participant's profile.
  • Sort Name - Needed to sort participants alphabetically by last name. The default value entered is the program's best guess for the format of "Last, First". You may override this default value if it has been formatted incorrectly.
  • Nick Name - Like the Sort Name, the system will automatically set the Nick Name to its best guess of the participant's first name. This will not always be correct. The Nick Name is displayed prominently at Shop.Token when a participant logs into their account.
  • Gender and Birth Year - Both these fields are optional. The Token Rewards' Warehouse uses the aggregate of these values to determine an appropriate age/gender balance of rewards for Shop.Token.
  • E-Mail - Optional, but highly recommended. A notification e-mail will be delivered when tokens are awarded, be it an award for an achieved goal or manual deposit of tokens. Along with the participant's current balance, this e-mail will also contain a link to automatically log the participant into his or her Shop.Token account.
    Only the participant may change his or her e-mail address once it has been verified and their Shop.Token account has been password protected.

  • Ship To - Choose where rewards are to be delivered when purchased by the participant. It will default to the main address of your program by displaying the program name. Selecting "Participant's Address" will expand the dialog, making available fields to enter the participant's mailing address.
  • Classes - Assign one or more classes to the participant. This option is only visible when you have created classes. Also, if the logged in user is a Class Administrator, only his or her assigned classes will be available.
    Select the "Delivery Class" by clicking the tag button. Warehouse reward shipments from Token Rewards will be by separated "Delivery Class" to facilitate distribution upon arrival. Notice the "Delivery Class" name is placed in parenthesis next to the program name in the "Ship To" dropdown selector.
    You may remove erroneous class assignments by clicking the trash can icon in the rightmost column of the assigned classes list.

The participant's first name is all that's required to create a participant account. After you've finished entering data, click "Save & Add Another" to create another account, otherwise click "Save & Open" to open the new participant's window.

Besides manually creating your participant accounts as discussed above, you have two other options for populating your database.
  • Admission Certificates - Print these using the Currency Certificate Wizard. Each printed admission certificate has an individual code that is entered by participants at The participants are then prompted for details about their account.
  • Import Data - Email to us your list of participant names in almost any text format and we will promptly verify and import the records for you. Contact if you have any questions.
The Participant Window is where you can manage all information pertaining to an individual participant. Among other things, you can:
  • Manage Class Assignments
  • Deposit and Withdraw Tokens
  • Create and Review Individualized Goals
  • Grant Awards for Achieved Goals
  • Review Participant Reward Purchases
  • Create Family Contacts for Award Notifications

Open a participant's account record by clicking the "Open..." button on the Participants Grid, or double-click anywhere on the row.

Each participant is assigned a unique Account Code having seven random characters generated when the participant account is created. Everywhere in Admin.Token that you can search a participant's name, you can also search using their assigned account code.
Participants must have a status of "Active" to log into Shop.Token and spend their tokens. You can change a participant's status to "Inactive" by Editing Participant Information.
The five tabs of the Participant Window are explained in upcoming topics. The numbers to the right of tab titles are meant to be a quick summary total of the information under each tab.
The question mark button opens the Admin.Token User Guide to this topic (what you're currently reading).
Click the close button or the "X" in the top-right corner to close the window.

  • You can have multiple participant windows opened simultaneously.
  • You do not have to be in the Participants Area of Admin.Token to use a participant window.
  • Participant windows will not close automatically when navigating to other areas of Admin.Token.
The Main tab of the Participant Window displays the primary information about the participant.

Freely type any administrative notes about the participant in this area. Click the "Paste Date/Time" button (or Ctrl+Shift+M) to timestamp your remarks before typing them.
Click the "Edit Participant..." button to change any of the participant's information displayed on the Main tab. The "Edit Participant" dialog will appear like the example below.

The following fields are available when editing a participant account:
  • Status - A participant with the status of "Inactive" will no longer be allowed to log into Shop.Token until you switch their status back to "Active". Inactive participants are also filtered out of the Participants Grid by default.
    This field is only editable by Super-Users so that Class Administrators do not accidently inactivate participants belonging to other classes.
The Ledger tab of the Participant Window is where you can add, edit, and review the itemized transactions on his or her account.
To create a miscellaneous deposit or withdrawal on a participant's account, click either the "Deposit Tokens..." or "Withdraw Tokens..." button. Shown below is an example of a 10 token deposit for "Good Behavior":
Be descriptive as possible as to the reason why the transaction is being posted to the participant's account, especially for deposits. This description is shown to the participant when he or she is viewing account activity at Shop.Token.
Check "Reusable" to instruct the system to remember the transaction you are currently entering. The next time you create a transaction for the same reason, you will only need to type the first couple letters in the description. The rest of the description and the amount will fill in automatically. This defaults to being checked.

If you find yourself repeating a miscellaneous deposit for the same reason and same amount of tokens, consider creating a goal and its associated token award for that reason. You can then grant the award with a single click.
After you click "Save", notifications are delivered to valid e-mail addresses for the participant's family contacts and/or the participant (deposits only). The transaction will also be listed on the participant's ledger as demonstrated here:
Click the pencil icon to edit a recent transaction's description or token amount.
Click the trash can button to delete a recent transaction or cancel a pending participant order.

Be very careful about editing & deleting deposits, especially if notifications have been delivered to the participant and/or his/her family contacts. You might have some explaining to do.
The Pencil and Trash Can (edit and delete) buttons will only be visible for seven days after the transaction was posted, or in other words, you cannot edit or delete a transaction more than 60 days old. Furthermore, deleting a transaction will also make a note on the participant's Main Tab in the "Administrative Notes" area for future reference.
The Goals tab of the participant window is where you create individualized goals, grant awards for completed or achieved goals, edit existing goals, and review award history. Each goal that can be awarded to the participant is listed along with the award title, token amount to be awarded, and last time the award was granted.
Click the "Create New Goal..." button to create a new goal automatically defaulted to having only the current participant as eligible to see the goal and receive its award. Visit Goals Area > Add & Edit Goals to learn more about creating goals.
To find a specific goal, type a few letters of the goal name in the "Find Goal" input. The list of goals will be filtered to those having those letters.
Edit an existing goal/award for the participant by clicking the pencil icon. Visit Goals Area > Add & Edit Goals to learn more about editing goals.
To award the participant for completion or achievement of the goal, click the checkmark button. The following dialog will appear:
You can change which award to grant if you accidently clicked the wrong one. Notice in the example this participant will be emailed an award notification. This only happens when the participant has verified his or her address. If the participant has any verified e-mail addresses for family contacts, they would be listed too.
After clicking the "Grant Award" button, the Goals tab and the Ledger tab are both updated to show the newly granted award and any e-mails are delivered.
This is the award notification emailed to the participant:
The Purchases tab of the participant window is where you track all reward purchases for an individual participant. Pink items are "pending", meaning not yet delivered to participant. Conversely white items have been delivered.
Use these buttons to filter the list of purchases for pending and delivered purchases.
These buttons allow you to filter the participant's purchases by the source of the reward, i.e. those provided by the Token Rewards Warehouse, or your program's Custom Rewards created in My Shop.
Custom Reward purchases can be marked as "delivered" by clicking the checkmark button after you've delivered the reward. Rewards fulfilled by the Token Rewards Warehouse are changed from "pending" to "delivered" once the item has shipped.
You can cancel any pending reward purchase by clicking the trash can button. Warning! Be careful when cancelling participant orders, there is no undo button!
If computer access is not available for a participant, click the "Make Purchase for Participant.." button to redeem their tokens for them.
Clicking the button opens the following dialog:
Product Search - enter a few letters of the item name or product code to be ordered for the participant. Items that meet your search will be displayed.
Adjust the quantity and click the "Order" button. The item will then be placed in the "Orders to be Placed" list.
Click the trash can button if you've selected the wrong item. It will be removed from the list of "Orders to be Placed".
Before clicking "Place Order", verify the "New Balance" did not go negative, i.e. make sure the participant has enough tokens for the purchase. Unlike participant shopping at Shop.Token, administrators using Admin.Token can make purchases for participants regardless of their token balance.
The Family tab on the Participant Window is where you create and review the participant's family contacts. Family contacts, like participants, will receive an e-mail whenever the participant is granted an award or receives tokens. Create a new family contact by clicking the indicated button.
The "New Participant Contact" dialog will appear. Enter the family contact's name, relationship to the participant and his or her e-mail address.
After clicking "Save", the contact is sent a confirmation email:
When the contact clicks the link to verify his or her address, they are directed to a special web-page that shows the participant's entire history of awards and purchased rewards. They can also deactivate the award notifications from the same page.
Of course, the verified contact will also be display on the Family tab of the participant window:
In this example, the participant has two family contacts, one of which has verified their e-mail address (the check next to the address indicates it has been confirmed).
Click the pencil icon to edit a contact's name, relationship, or e-mail address.
Click "Print Statement..." to open a new tab in your browser and display the current participant's printable statement as shown below. Toggle the "Show Transactions" checkbox to hide or show the itemized awards and rewards.
Click "Print Account Card..." to print an a card like the one shown below. The cards are designed to be handed out to participants so they know the Shop.Token address as well as their Account Code to log in.
The Participant Grid is shown immediately after entering the Participants Area. It lists participants and their related data, depending on your settings for how they're displayed. You can:
  • Search and Filter Participants
  • Sort & Rank Participants
  • Quickly Grant Awards and Deposit Tokens
  • Perform Batch Tasks on Groups of Participants
  • Print Participant Statements
Search for a participant by entering a few letters. This filters the participants down to only those having the entered sequence of letters in their name, account code or e-mail address. Note that only participants who are not already filtered out (see items 3 and 4 below) will be searched.
Select the maximum number of participants to show. If the participant area grid feels to slow, reduce this number. DO NOT set the value to "All" if you have more than 300 participants in your program. It will be very, slow to load.
Filter the participants based upon their status. It will default to "Active Participants". View more about the participant status field under the topic Edit Participant Info.
Filter the participants to those who have been assigned the selected class. Class Administrators will only see the classes they have been assigned. This filter selector is only visible if classes have been created for your program.
Pick and choose which data elements about the participants you want to display (Name, Balance, Last Shop Visit, etc.) using the "Choose Columns" dropdown button.
Each selectable column is then displayed.
Place a check next to each field you want to display and uncheck the ones you want hidden. When finished selecting columns, click anywhere above or below the checkbox fields.
Your column preferences are saved in a browser cookie, so the participant grid should look the same the next time you log into Admin.Token.
Most of the participant data fields are explained under the topic Edit Participant Info. Listed here are columns (and their definitions) that are not explained earlier:
  • Code - The participant's permanent Token Rewards account code. The participant can use this code to log into Shop.Token if he or she has not configured their e-mail address.
  • Balance - The total tokens that are available to participants for reward purchases. The balance equals the "Earned" tokens minus "Spent" tokens minus "Pending" tokens.
  • Pending - Number of tokens spent on rewards that have not yet been to delivered to the participant. Includes both your Custom Rewards and Token Warehouse Rewards. Because pending orders can be cancelled by an administrator, pending tokens are not considered to be "Spent" tokens until rewards are delivered.
  • Earned - The total number of tokens earned by the participant.
  • Spent - The number of tokens permanently withdrawn from the participant's account. Note that this amount does not include "Pending" tokens.
  • Awards - The total number of awards granted to the participant for goal completions or achievements.
  • Family - The number of family contacts with verified e-mail addresses among the total number of family contacts.
  • Last Deposit/Withdrawal - The last recorded timestamp for each type of transaction on the participant's account.
  • Shop Visited - The last time the participant logged into
Sorting and ranking participants can be done with a single click to a column header like most spreadsheet software. The arrows to the left of the column header name indicate which direction the column is sorted. Up means ascending, down is descending and an up/down arrow means the column is unsorted.
For example, to order your participants by last name, use the Column Chooser to show the "Sort Name" column then click it to sort the grid.
This next example shows how to do a multi-column sort. It shows the participants sorted by gender then ranked by tokens earned, or more simply, the top earners by gender.
Click the "Gender" column header first to sort by gender.
Then hold the SHIFT key and click the "Earned" column header.
Notice the girls are listed first in descending order of tokens earned. Then the boys are listed next.
There are four shortcut buttons on the Participants Grid that might save some time if using their features repeatedly.
The shopping cart button in the "Pending" column will open the Place Orders Dialog so you can make reward purchases for the participant.
The plus sign button in the "Earned" column will open the Post Deposit Dialog.
The minus sign button in the "Spent" column will open the Post Withdrawal Dialog.
The star button in the "Awards" column will open the Grant Award Dialog.
The Participants Grid allows you to "Select" participants for various reporting and batching tasks.
To "Select" a participant, single-click anywhere on the row (except the shortcut buttons). The row will turn green, indicating the participant has been "selected". Single-click the row again to deselect the participant. Select a series of participants by clicking one, then holding SHIFT and clicking another. All the participants between the two will also be selected.
As you select/deselect participants, the "Selected Participants" counter will increase/decrease. The counter also displays the sum of the selected participant's token balances and the dollar value or balance sum in terms of your program's exchange rate.
Use the "Quick Select" dropdown button to quickly select all or filtered sets of the participants. The number on "All" option shows how many will be selected based on the current setting of the Status Filter.
The "Filtered" quick-select option selects only those that meet the "Search For" criteria and the current "Class Filter".
When you have one or more participants selected, the dropdown button "For Selected Participants..." appears giving you a series of batch tasks and reports that can be executed for the selected participants.
You can deposit tokens into the selected participant's accounts in one step as opposed to performing deposits individually.
Begin by selecting your participants and clicking the "Batch Deposit Tokens..." option from the "For Selected Participants..." dropdown button. The "Posting Deposit for Multiple Participants" dialog will appear:
Enter the default description and amount for the batch deposit. As you type, the values will be transposed next to each participant's name.
Override any of the default values as needed. In this example, Timothy receives an extra 15 tokens for being the study group leader.
Click the "Save" button when finished. Each of the participant's token balance will increase by the amount entered and notifications are emailed to the participants and their family contacts where applicable.
Click the option to "Print Participants & Statements..." to open a new browser tab with the participant report as shown here. Check "Show Transactions" and "One page per participant" to print individual statements that can be given to your participants. With both those options unchecked, it is a simple report of names, codes, classes, and balances.
The option to "Print Reward Account Cards..." opens a new browser tab showing the account cards for the selected participants as displayed below. Click the "Print..." button or choose File > Print from your browser's menu bar.
The last four batch task options under the "For Selected Participants..." dropdown button are typically used when starting a new term of your program or to just "cleaning up" your database. Selecting one of the options will open a confirmation dialog similar to the ones in the examples below.

A summary of the displayed participants is shown here. It details which "page" you are on (see next step), how many filtered participants there are, and the total number of participants.
When there are more participants than can be displayed in the scrollable area, you can paginate through the participants using these buttons.
If the participant grid appears to incorrectly display the columns or rows, this is likely due to a corrupted cookie stored in your browser's cache (typically IE8 or earlier). Click the "Reset Grid" button to erase the cookie and redraw the grid. You will have to reselect the columns you want displayed.

Use the Goals area to create and edit participant goals and their associated awards.

Goals are specified target behaviors or tasks you want displayed to participants. Goals can be narrow or broad in scope, depending on the nature of your token economy. A goal can be a task, a series of objectives, or a general behavior you would like to reinforce. Each goal has an associated award and token amount to be given to a participant upon completion or achievement.

Here are a few example goals and awards:
Goal Award Tokens
On-Time Arrival Great Punctuality Today! 15 Tokens
Brush Teeth Daily Teeth Brushed Today! 20 Tokens
Score 90%+ on Weekly Quiz Aced That Quiz Award! 100 Tokens

The goals are displayed to participants at Shop.Token. But this might not be enough visual reinforcement for your needs. Consider also having a "Goals Poster" prominently displayed in your meeting or work area. Token Rewards provides a poster printing service for a nominal fee. Call (800) 926-9194 to inquire about this service.

Another highly effective method for reinforcing behaviors in a token economy is to use a technique called Self-Monitoring*. This technique has the participant periodically record which goals he/she feels were achieved. The administrator compares this record to his or her own results. Bonus tokens are given when the participant's record matches the administrator's.
* Token Economy Plus Self-Monitoring to Reduce Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
The Behavior Analyst Today, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2003, page 177
The Goals Grid is very similar to the Participants Grid in functionality. The features of the goals grid are briefly discussed below.
Search for a goal by entering a few letters. This filters the goals down to only those having the entered sequence of letters in the goal name, description, category, or award title.
Select the maximum number of goals to show. If the grid feels slow, reduce this number. DO NOT set the value to "All" if you have more than 300 goals in your program. It will be very, slow to load.
Sort or rank your goals by clicking the header of the column. The arrows to the left of the column header name indicate which direction the column is sorted. Up means ascending, down is descending and an up/down arrow means the column is unsorted.
Click the "Open..." button to open the Goal Window for that goal. You may also double-click anywhere on the row to do the same.
A summary of the displayed goals is shown at the bottom of the grid. It details which "page" you are on (see next step), how many filtered goals there are, and the total number of goals.
When there are more goals than can be displayed in the scrollable area, you can paginate through the goals using these buttons.
If the grid appears to incorrectly display the columns or rows, this is likely due to a corrupted cookie stored in your browser's cache (typically IE8 or earlier). Click the "Reset Grid" button to erase the cookie and redraw the grid. You will have to reselect the columns you want displayed.
A warning sign on a goal title indicates that the goal is not being displayed at Shop.Token for any number of reasons. Hover your mouse over the symbol to quickly see why it's not displayed.
In the Goals Area, click the "Create New Goal and Award..." button to add a new goal.
The "Goal Window" opens:
Goal or Task Title - This is the only required data to save the record. Try to keep it under 60 characters, but it can be up to 1000. You can optionally enter any details about this goal in the "Details" input. As you type, the Goal Preview is updated (see item #8).
Tokens to be Earned - The number of tokens to be deposited into a participant's account when an award is granted for achievement of this goal. Its value must be at least one token.
Category - Categorize your goals to help organize them for you and your participants, especially when you have more than 20. Press the down-arrow key or type a few letters to show a list of previously used categories.
Deadline - Placing a check here will show a date input field where you can enter an expiration date for the goal. Prior to the deadline, participants will see that it "Expires" when viewing the goal at Shop.Token. After the deadline, the goal will no longer be visible at Shop.Token for participants and on the Participant Window > Goals Tab for administrators.
Limit Awards per Participant - After checking this, you are given an input to enter the maximum number of awards any one participant may receive for this goal. Once the participant has reached this limit, the goal is no longer displayed for him or her at Shop.Token and it is removed from the list of awardable goals on the Participant Window > Goals Tab.
Limit Total Awards Available - Check this to enter the total number of awards than can be granted for this goal. Once that number of awards has been reached, the goal is no longer displayed for any participants at Shop.Token. Useful for "competition" type goals (e.g. First Place in Writing Contest).
Note: The codes on printed award certificates for goals that have expired or reached their limit (items 4, 5, and 6) cannot be redeemed at Shop.Token. Participants attempting to do so will be informed about the status of the certificate's code.
Do Not Show Goal To Participants - Use this option when either drafting a new goal or for goals that participants should not currently see. You can still grant awards for the goal on the Participant Window > Goals Tab.
Goal Preview - Shows exactly how the goal appears for participants at Shop.Token.
Save Button - Will enable if any changes are detected and the "Goal or Task Title" (item #1) has been entered. Unlike most other dialogs in Admin.Token, the window does not close after saving so you can make further edits to the goal if needed.

If the Goal Window does not fit entirely in your browser, try making your browser "full-screen" by pressing the F11 key. Press the F11 again to resume normal browsing. You can also zoom in/out by pressing CTRL +/- (that's holding Ctrl key while pressing the Plus or Minus key). Press CTRL+0 to resume normal zoom. These tricks work best in modern browsers only.
By default, all participants are eligible to receive awards for newly created goals.
To create individualized goals, you manipulate the goal's eligibility. Only eligible participants can receive awards for the achievement of the goal and likewise see the goal at Shop.Token. If you are using printed award certificates, only eligible parties will be able to redeem the tokens from the codes on handed-out award certificates for the goal.
The following example shows how Timothy Tokens is set as the sole eligible participant for the goal & award.
Select the goal's "Eligibility" tab and toggle the general eligibility from "All Participants" to "Limited...". Notice the word "None" in the tab title after clicking "Limited". This means that the goal/award is limited to nobody.
Enter a few letters of the participant's name or account code. A list of participants fitting the search will be displayed.
Click the "Add" button for the correct participant.
The participant is then added to the list of eligible participants. Notice the tab at the top now states "Eligibility | Limited".
To remove a participant from the list of eligible participants, click the trash can icon.

You can add as many participants as necessary to the list of eligible participants, just repeat the process above. Click the "Save" button when finished. The Goal Preview will update to reflect your changes to the eligibility after you save your changes.
For a shortcut, you can also create a new goal whose eligibility is limited to a single participant by clicking the "Create New Goal..." button on the Participant Window > Goals Tab.
You can create a goal for an entire class of participants. Any participants assigned to the class will be able to see the goal and receive awards for its completion and those not assigned will not be eligible for the goal/award. This also applies to any new participants added to or removed from the class after the goal is created.
If your reward program has not created participant classes, then you will not be able to assign eligible classes to goals.
Select the goal's "Eligibility" tab and toggle the general eligibility from "All Participants" to "Limited...". Notice the word "None" in the tab title after clicking "Limited". This means that the goal/award is limited to nobody.
Select the "Eligible Classes" sub-tab to add, edit and view the goal's eligible classes.
From the dropdown selector, choose the class to be eligible for the goal/award, then click the "Add Class" button that appears after a class is selected.
The class is then added to the list of eligible classes for the goal. Notice the tab at the top now states "Eligibility | Limited".
This number represents the active participant count for the class, showing you exactly how many participants are eligible for the goal/award because they have been assigned to the class.
When using printed "Admission Certificates" for this goal/award, checking the "Assign" checkbox will automatically assign new participants to the class who create their accounts at Shop.Token using the certificates. Learn more about using Admission Certificates under the topic Currency Wizard.
Click the trash can button to remove the class from the list of goal's eligible classes.

The Goal Preview will update to reflect your changes to the eligibility after you save your changes.
The award tab of the goal window is where you can customize the goal's award title and preview how the award appears to participants, both online and on printed award certificates.
By default, the "Award Title" will automatically be created as you type the "Goal or Task Title". It will be the same text except the word "Award" is appended to the end. This is simply a shortcut when creating the goal. You can overwrite this default value with something more fitting and exciting.
In this example, the goal title is "Eat Your Dinner Vegetables" making the default award title "Eat Your Dinner Vegetables Award". A better award title could be "Good job eating your vegetables at dinner!". Or you can get fun and creative with "You're a Green Eating Machine! Awesome!" (see item #4).
When you've granted the award for the goal, the "Award Title" is used for the deposit entry on the participant's ledger and in the award notifications emailed to the participant and his/her family contacts.
Toggle the Award Preview to "Online" to see how the award is displayed for participants at Shop.Token in their "Awards" area.
The Online Certificate has different states of appearance, depending on if the viewing participant has been granted the award and how many times he or has received it. Use these buttons to toggle between the states.

The example above shows a new award title entered for this goal.
Toggle the Award Preview to show the goal's printed award certificate.
Click here to upload your reward program's logo to be used on printed certificates. The button will open your browser's "File Upload" dialog where you can select an image file from your computer's file system.
Use any image file type (.jpeg, .png, .gif, etc.). For optimal appearance, try using an image that's 400x200 pixels in the .png format. The image size can go larger and smaller, but try to keep the 2x1 ratio of width to height.
Once the logo file is uploaded, it should appear in the certificate preview and on certificates printed using the Currency Wizard.
The Recipients tab of the Goal Window shows which participants have been granted awards for the goal. The participants are listed in descending order of when they last received the award (most recent recipient first). It also shows the quantity of awards each participant has received.
Click a participants's name to open his or her Participant Window.
The History tab of the Goal Window lists in reverse chronological order each time the award was granted.
This column shows the user that granted the award to the participant. If the participant redeemed a code from a printed award certificate at Shop.Token, the user who generated the code along with the code redeemed are displayed here.
The Goal Window's Advanced tab is for users who want to further customize the display of the goal and award.
You can also see when and by who the goal was created and last edited here. If it says "Unknown User", that means the person who created or edited the goal had logged into Admin.Token using the account's legacy "User Code" as opposed to their e-mail address.
Pick and choose which data elements about the goals you want to display in the grid (Title, Details, Category, etc.) by clicking the "Choose Columns" dropdown button.
Each selectable column is then displayed.
Place a check next to each field you want to display and uncheck the ones you want hidden. When finished selecting columns, click anywhere above or below the checkbox fields.
Your column preferences are saved in a browser cookie, so the Goals Grid should look the same the next time you log into Admin.Token.
Each goal field is described below with more explanation under the topic about the Goal Window titled Add & Edit Goals.
  • Goal or Task - The "Goal or Task Title" as entered on the Goal Window.
  • Details - The goal's "Details" as entered on the Goal Window.
  • Category - The goal's assigned Category.
  • Award - The goal's "Award Title".
  • Tokens - The goal's "Tokens to be Earned".
  • Eligible - A summary of the goal's eligibility settings.
  • Expires - The goal's "Deadline", if entered.
  • Awarded - Total number of awards granted for the goal.
  • Remaining - If a limit is set on the total awards available for the goal, this number shows that amount minus total awards granted.
  • Award Limit - The limit on the total number of awards that can be granted or redeemed via certificate for the goal, if set.
  • Indv. Limit - Each participants individual limit on the number of awards that may be granted to them or redeemed via certificate code at Shop.Token.
  • Assign Class - An eligible class assigned to the goal which has been marked "Assign" so that participants redeeming certificates for the goal who do not already have an account will create an account and automatically be assigned to that class.
  • Updated - The last time the goal was edited by an administrator and which administrator performed the edits.
  • Created - The date, time and administrative user who created the goal.
  • Displayed - Whether or not the goal is displayed to participants via the status of the "Do not show this goal to participants" checkbox on the Goal Window.

If you want to hand deliver printed token certificates for immediate gratification use the Currency Certificate Wizard. It is a step by step utility to print up to 180 currency certificates at a time for an assigned amount of tokens. Each certificate has a unique code that participants can enter at Shop.Token to increase their token balance and/or create a new account if they don't have one already.

There are three types of currency certificates:
Plain Token Certificates. Use these as a quick and easy way to award a participant tokens for any arbitrary or miscellaneous reason. Note that "Token Academy" is the name of the reward program used for these example certificates.
Award Certificates. These are best for recognizing specific goals or tasks that have been achieved or completed. This example shows an award certificate for the "On-Time Attendance" goal created for Token Academy.
Admission Certificates. Very similar to Award Certificates in that they recognize the specific goal of "Creating a new account" and are intended to be given to participants who do not yet have a Shop.Token account.
Click the question mark to open the Admin.Token User Guide to this topic.
To print plain token certificates, begin by opening the Currency Certificate Wizard (with the "Currency" menu option) and follow the four steps below.
Select the "Plain Token Certificates" option on the first tab of the Wizard.
Click the "Next" button to open the second tab, "Details".
Enter the value, in tokens, that the certificates you're about print are worth.
Click "Next" to proceed onto entering the rest of your preferences about the certificates (image, size, quantity, etc.) and generate the codes.
Give participants printed Award Certificates to immediately recognize and award goal achievements. Along with redeeming certificate codes at Shop.Token to increase their account balances, participants can display the certificates on walls, refrigerators or wherever for parents and all to see. A hardcopy award can create even more incentive to achieve assigned goals.
To print award certificates, begin by opening the Currency Certificate Wizard (with the "Currency" menu option) and follow the steps below.
Select the "Award Certificates..." option on the first tab of the Wizard.
Click the "Next" button to open the second tab, "Details".
Click which award/goal you want to create. You can only generate and print certificates for one goal/award at a time.
Click "Next" to proceed onto entering the rest of your preferences about the certificates (image, size, quantity, etc.) and generate the codes.
Admission Certificates are designed to invite participants into your program. When a participant uses an admission certificate at Shop.Token to create their account, they will enter all their information for you, including verifiable e-mail addresses for themselves and their family contacts.
To print Admission Certificates, begin by opening the Currency Certificate Wizard (with the "Currency" menu option) and follow the steps below.
Select the "Admission Certificates" option on the first tab of the Currency Wizard.
Click the "Next" button to open the second tab, "Details".
Enter the text you want displayed on the admission certificates. As you type, the certificate to be printed is updated on the screen, behind the Currency Wizard window. Note that what you type will also be recorded on the participant's ledger as the transaction description for the first deposit.
Enter the number of tokens to be given to the participant (deposit recorded onto his/her ledger) after creating his or her new account with the admission certificate. It is recommended you set this amount to be at or over your lowest priced reward at Shop.Token so participants may immediately begin shopping.
If you have created participant classes for your reward program, check this to assign newly created participant accounts via this admission certificate to the selected class. Notice the "Assign Class" is written in very small print across the bottom edge of the printed certificates.
Save or undo any changes made to the admission certificate.
The "Next" button will enable only if all changes made to the admission certificate have been saved. Click to proceed onto entering the rest of your preferences about the certificates (image, size, quantity, etc.) and generate the codes.

The admission certificate is really just another goal & award. When you return to the Goals Area, there will be a new goal titled "Admission Certificate Goal". You can open and edit this goal just like any other goal. The text entered above in item #3 is the really the goal's "Award Title" on its "Award" tab.
When the "Admission Certificate Goal" is created, it is limited to 1 award per participant, has the category "New Participants" assigned, and is set to not be displayed as a goal at Shop.Token. It is not displayed so as to not be confused with actual goals assigned to participants. If you delete this goal, you will lose any changes made to the default admission certificate while using in the Currency Wizard.
Lastly, note that any certificate's code can be used to create a new participant account for your reward program at Shop.Token, you don't necessarily need to use Admission Certificates. Participants can just as easily create an account with the Plain Token Certificates and/or Award Certificates.
The third tab of the Currency Wizard allows you to put your own custom artwork on the currency certificates. Use your organizations logo, a playful cartoon, a map to your location, anything you like. Using an image is optional, but without one, your certificates will simply state your reward program's name in large bold letters. Edit your reward program's name in the Administrative Settings area.
Click here to upload the image file for the printed certificates. The button will open your browser's "File Upload" dialog where you can select an image file from your computer's file system.
Use any image file type (.jpeg, .png, .gif, etc.). For optimal appearance, try using an image that's 400x200 pixels in the .png format. The image size can go larger and smaller, but try to keep the 2x1 ratio of width to height.
The "Clear Image" button will remove the image and revert to showing your reward program's name on the certificates.
Toggle the display of the uploaded image with these buttons. Hiding the image will show your reward program's name in its place.
Click "Next" to proceed onto selecting the size and then quantity of certificates.
Click the tile which represents size and how many certificates fit on each printed page. Use the scrollbar at bottom to reveal the "Full Page" option.
The "Paper Cutting Guidelines" are useful when separating your certificates. Without the guidelines, it can be difficult cutting the certificates out into equal sizes with equal margins.
Click the "Next" button to move the next tab where you set the number of pages, or total quantity of certificates to print.
Click the radio button which corresponds to the number of pages and certificates you want to print.
When printing just one page, you can optionally reduce the quantity of certificates on that page, in case you only need one or two smaller certificates.
This warning will only appear when you have limited the total awards for the particular goal that you're currently printing certificates and the quantity of certificates selected is greater than the total awards available. See Add & Edit Goals to learn more about limiting the number of awards per goal.
Click the "Next" button to move the next tab where you confirm your settings and generate the redeemable codes.
The quantity and size of your certificates to be printed are shown here for confirmation. If you need to change either, return to the previous tab(s) using the "Prev" button (item #3).
The required page orientation is prominently displayed here to remind you how it should be set when printing.
If there are any changes to certificates you want to make before generating the certificate codes, you must make them first. Use this button to return to the previous steps in the wizard.
After clicking the "Finish" button, each certificate's code will replace the "#### ####" on the certificates to be printed which are displayed underneath the Currency Wizard.
The "Finish" button will change to "Print Certificates" and the "Prev" button in item #3 disappears. Click this button, set the correct page orientation, and if this is your first time printing, only print one test page. The next topic covers many printing tips for optimizing the appearance of the printed certificates.
You print the certificates from within your browser. The Currency Certificate Wizard dialog window will not be printed, only the certificates behind are printed.
Open your browser's print dialog with the "Print Certificates" button. Set the correct page orientation for your current printer and print a test page. If you're okay with the test page, you can skip the rest of this topic, otherwise read on for optimal alignment and clarity.
Multi-certificate pages were designed to require a minimal number of cuts per page. Following the "cut lines" should produce certificates which are uniform in size. If they are not, then the margin settings need to be adjusted.
Open your browser's "Print Preview" to verify and adjust your print settings. If you do not see it, try pressing the "Alt" key to expose the main menu bar. It's usually hidden under the "File" menu.
Select the proper page orientation (portrait or landscape), turn off all headers and footers, and adjust the margins to the recommended settings as displayed to the left.
The recommended margins may not be correct due to varying printer and browser combinations. Keep the right and bottom margins as low as possible. The certificate pages are designed to "float" to the top left corner of the printed page.
If all this is done correctly, you should be able to set the "Print Size" or "Scaling" at 100%. Printing at 100% ensures no distortion and maximum use of printable area. Note that not all browsers print alike.
Finally, a nice inexpensive paper trimmer like the Fiskars 12-Inch Surecut is highly recommended for trimming smaller certificate pages.
If have you any problems printing the certificates, contact us. A technician will be more than pleased to help.

The My Shop area of Admin.Token is where you can edit and preview your participant's shopping area at Shop.Token. There are two types of rewards you may offer in your shop, Custom Rewards and Warehouse Rewards. Custom Rewards are those you create and Warehouse Rewards are items provided by the Token Rewards Warehouse.

In summary, use My Shop to:
  • Preview Your Participant Shop
  • Create and Edit Your Custom Rewards
  • Select Which (if any) Token Warehouse Rewards are Displayed

Custom Rewards are completely customizable rewards you create for your participants to purchase with their awarded tokens. These rewards can be tangible, like the "Candy Bar" example below, or intangible such as a "Quiz Pass" or "Extra Credit".

Create or edit a custom reward by following these steps:
Click this button to create a new Custom Reward. The Custom Reward Window will open with all the values set to empty or default values.

To edit an existing Custom Reward, click the reward to open its "pop-up" details. Then click the "Edit Reward" button to open the Custom Reward Window. Note the "Edit Reward" button appears only for Custom Rewards and not Warehouse Rewards.
The Custom Reward Window is where you enter all the various details about a Custom Reward. You might notice many of the options available look very similar to those options on the Goal/Award Window.

Reward Name and Description - This is the only required data to save. Try to keep it under 60 characters, but it can be up to 1000. You can optionally enter a more detailed description about the reward. As you type, the Preview tab is updated so you will see how the reward will appear to eligible participants.
Price in Tokens - The number of tokens to be deducted from a participant's account when the reward is purchased. Its value must be at least one token.
Category - Enter the category name the custom reward should be grouped by. If the reward item belongs to multiple categories, separate each category name with a comma. Try to keep the category names short and simple.
Deadline - Placing a check here will show a date input field where you can enter a deadline for purchasing the reward. After the deadline, the reward will no longer be displayed at Shop.Token.
Limit Purchases per Participant - After checking this, you are given an input to enter the maximum number of purchases any one participant may make for this reward. Once the participant has reached this limit, the reward is no longer displayed for him or her at Shop.Token.
Limit Total Available - Check this to enter the total quantity available for participants to purchase. You may enter a top limit or update quantity you have on hand. The "Remaining QOH" value will automatically be lowered when items are purchased your participants. Once quantity on hand is reduced to zero, the reward will no longer be displayed at Shop.Token. This is useful for managing a limited inventory of a tangible rewards.
Do Not Show Reward To Participants - Use this option when either drafting a new reward or for rewards participants should not see. You can still make purchases of the reward for participants on the Participant Window > Purchases Tab.
Delete Reward - Click this button to permanently delete the reward. Be careful when using this feature because it is not undoable. Also note, after a custom reward is deleted, you will not be able to retrieve any historical statistics about the reward as displayed on the "History" tab. The "Delete Reward" is only visible when their are no pending edits to the reward (it has been saved).
Save Button - This button will become enable if any changes are detected and the "Reward Name" (item #1) has been entered. Unlike most other dialogs in Admin.Token, the window does not close after saving so you can make further edits to the reward if needed.
The "Preview" tab of the Custom Reward Window allows you to optionally upload an image of the reward and preview exactly how the custom reward will appear for eligible participants at Shop.Token.

Click here to upload a custom image for the reward. The button will open your browser's "File Upload" dialog where you can select an image file from your computer's file system.
Use any image file type (.jpeg, .png, .gif, etc.). For optimal appearance, try using an image that's no larger than 288x288 pixels in the .png format and having equal width and height.
Click this button to delete the reward's custom image file from the Token Rewards web server. The default custom reward image should then appear.
By default, all participants are eligible to newly created custom rewards. To create individualized rewards, you manipulate the reward's eligibility.
The following example shows how Timothy Tokens is set as the sole eligible participant who can purchase the reward.
Select the reward's "Eligibility" tab and toggle the general eligibility from "All Participants" to "Limited...". Notice the word "None" in the tab title after clicking "Limited", meaning their are currently no eligible participants to purchase the reward.
Enter a few letters of the participant's name or account code. A list of participants fitting the search will be displayed.
Click the "Add" button for the correct participant.
The participant is then added to the list of eligible participants. Notice the tab at the top now states "Eligibility | Limited".
To remove a participant from the list of eligible participants, click the trash can icon.

You can add as many participants as necessary to the list of eligible participants, just repeat the process above. Click the "Save" button when finished.
You can create a custom reward for an entire class of participants. Any participants assigned to the eligible class will be able to view and purchase it. This also applies to any new participants added to or removed from the class after the goal is created.
If your reward program has not created participant classes, then you will not be able to assign eligible classes to custom rewards.
Select the reward's "Eligibility" tab and toggle the general eligibility from "All Participants" to "Limited...". Notice the word "None" in the tab title after clicking "Limited". This means that nobody is eligible to purchase the reward.
Select the "Eligible Classes" sub-tab to add, edit and view the reward's eligible classes.
From the dropdown selector, choose the class to be eligible for the reward, then click the "Add Class" button that appears after a class is selected.
The class is then added to the list of eligible classes for the reward. Notice the tab at the top now states "Eligibility | Limited".
This number represents the active participant count for the class, showing you exactly how many participants are eligible for the reward because they have been assigned to the class.
Click the trash can button to remove the class from the list of reward's eligible classes.
The "Notify" tab of a custom reward is where you select which Admin.Token users should be notified when the custom reward is purchased by a participant. Note that all the administrative users are listed regardless of their class assignments.

Place a check in the "E-mail Alert" column to have the user administrative emailed each time the reward is purchased by a participant. The e-mail contains the participant's name, the custom reward purchased, and a link to quickly log into Admin.Token.
Place a check in the "Login Alert" column so the next time the custom reward is purchased the Purchase Alerts dialog will appear once the user logs into Admin.Token.

The administrative user can then mark the purchased custom reward as "Delivered" on either the Purchase Alerts dialog, the participant's Ledger tab, or the participant's Purchases tab.
The History tab of the Custom Reward window lists in reverse chronological order each time the reward was purchased, who purchased it, and what they paid for it. It also displays the total quantity of the item purchased with the total tokens redeemed.
Click the participant's name to open his/her window.

The Reward Window's Advanced tab is for users who want to further customize the display of the reward at the shop.
You can see who created the reward and when it was last edited. If it says "Unknown User", it means the person who created or edited the goal had logged into Admin.Token using the account's legacy "User Code" as opposed to their e-mail address.
When there are pending purchases of custom rewards by participants this button is displayed in the header of the My Shop area. Clicking it will cause the "Custom Reward Purchase Alerts" dialog to appear (see below).

The dialog will automatically appear for an administrative user that is checked to receive a "Login Alert" on the Notify tab of a purchased custom reward.

Click this button to change the status of the purchased custom reward from "Pending" to "Delivered". The purchase will also be removed from the list of pending purchases on the "Custom Reward Purchase Alerts" dialog.
The trash can button will cancel the order for the student and return all spent tokens. Please be careful when using this feature because it is not undoable.
Another method to mark it as delivered is to click the participant's name to open his or her window. From the participant's window you can mark the purchased custom reward as delivered on his or her Ledger or Purchases tabs.

The Warehouse Rewards are an exciting selection of merchandise offered by Token Rewards which can be optionally displayed to your participants at Shop.Token. These items will have a little warehouse icons displayed on their product tiles in the My Shop area as shown here:
In this example the Pencil Sharpener is a Warehouse Reward, the Candy Bar is a Custom Reward.

When a participant purchases a Warehouse Reward, a representative will contact you about shipping and payment options if a shipping schedule has not been set up. If you find your store is selling Warehouse Rewards consistently, you might consider setting up a shipping schedule so your participants are informed of when rewards will be delivered and how much longer until the next "Ship Date" (or the last day to spend their tokens).

Please call (800) 926-9194 if you desire set up this automated shipping service, it's free and makes your reward program that much more exciting and successful.
You can remove Warehouse Rewards from Shop.Token individually or all at once in a few simple steps.

To remove ALL the Warehouse Rewards from your participant shop, first open the "My Shop Settings..." dialog.

Click the "Remove All..." button to remove all Warehouse Rewards from your participant shop. Note that this button becomes disabled after it is clicked. For it to be enabled, some or all the Warehouse Rewards must be displayed.

To remove an individual Warehouse Reward from your participant shop, in the My Shop area click the Warehouse Reward to be removed. The item's "pop-up" detail is displayed.
Click the "Remove Item" button. The Warehouse Reward will no longer be displayed to your participants at Shop.Token or in the My Shop area of Admin.Token.
You can select Warehouse Rewards to show at Shop.Token individually or all at once in a few simple steps.

To show ALL the Warehouse Rewards in your participant shop, first open the "My Shop Settings..." dialog.

Click the "Show All..." button. Note that this button becomes disabled after it is clicked. For it to be enabled, some or all the Warehouse Rewards must be hidden.

To individually select warehouse items to display, go to the "Warehouse" area of Admin.Token.

Click the warehouse item you want displayed. The "pop-up" detail about the item will appear.
Toggle "Display in My Shop?" to the "Yes" option. The item will now be displayed in your participant shop and in the My Shop area.

Use the Activity Area to quickly to see how your program is doing, currently and historically, by viewing a detailed synopsis of tokens deposited and reward orders/purchases. In the Activity Area you can:
  • List participant transactions grouped by date range, class, or Admin.Token user.
  • List participant reward orders and purchases by date range, status (pending vs. delivered), and source (Custom Rewards vs. Warehouse Rewards).
  • Look up the status on each and every token/certificate code generated by any and all users. Among other things, this is useful for researching problems with codes that participants may report.
  • View graphs to see overall trends concerning how many tokens are being saved, earned, and spent over time.
Select the "Participant Transactions" tab of the Activity area to list all deposits and withdrawals to/from participant accounts.
Enter a date range of transactions to summarize and display. Click the calendar icon to select a date from the small calendar that drops down when the icon is clicked.
Filter the results to any/all participants who are assigned to the selected class.
Show only the transactions that have been posted by the selected user.
If there is no "Admin User" associated with a transaction, then the transaction was created by the participant at Shop.Token. Click the participant's name to open his/her Participant Window. From there you can view all the transactions and details about the participant.
Pending transactions are separated from other withdrawals until the related Custom Reward is marked delivered or the Warehouse Reward has shipped. You can view all pending purchases by clicking the Purchase Alerts button in the My Shop area or Participant Orders tab of the Activity area.
Select the "Participant Purchases" tab of the Activity area to view a detailed list of all reward purchases made by and for participants.
Enter a date range of purchases to display. Click the calendar icon to select a date from small calendar that drops down when the icon is clicked.
Filter the results to any/all participants who are assigned to the selected class.
Use these buttons to toggle the display of reward purchases by their respective status.
Use these buttons to toggle the display of reward purchases by their respective type (Custom vs. Warehouse Rewards).
Shipped Warehouse Rewards will always be associated with an invoice from Token Rewards. Click the invoice number to view a printable copy of the invoice.
Select the "Activity Graphs" tab of the Activity area to see a general overview of tokens earned, spent and saved over time.
The "Tokens Outstanding" graph shows the total sum of participant balances by month over the past year. This is a good indicator of the what amount of tokens are being "saved-up" by your participants.
The "Tokens Earned" bar graph shows the total sum of participant earnings by month over the past year.
The "Tokens Spent" bar graph shows the total sum of participant expenditures (reward purchases) and miscellaneous withdrawals by month over the past year.

The Warehouse Area displays reward items Token Rewards can provide for your program. If your participants will be spending their tokens the online shop (Shop.Token) exclusively, use this area to selectively hide/show individual Warehouse Rewards in the My Shop area and at Shop.Token.

If you have an on-site reward store, use the Warehouse Area to create a shopping cart filled with all rewards you need for your store. There are many tools in the Warehouse Area to facilitate creating the correct balance of age/gender/price rewards in your shopping cart.

If you use the Token Rewards fulfillment service, use the Warehouse Area to supplement your regularly arriving orders with hand picked items of your own choosing.
New features and this Admin.Token User Guide topic scheduled for release 7/1/2012.