Everything K-12 Reward Programs Need.

Each reward program for kids and teens is unique so therefore our service is too.  Tell us what you are doing or what you would like to do and we'll share all the fun solutions we have to make your program successful.

Token Rewards Solutions

Online Reward Store, Tokens, & Fulfillment

Our reward program management app provides a full solution for any motivational program, large or small. With the tools incorporated within it, you can customize every area of your motivational program. Plus, we make it so simple for both you and your participants, that all you have to do is say, Good Job!


  • Choose the rewards you offer.
  • Select the name of your currency.
  • Set the exchange rate value.
  • Award with paper certificates/tokens and/or via online token deposits.
  • Ship the reward purchases to homes or to your location.
Again, we make it real easy for everyone. As your participants earn tokens in your program, it's easy for them to sign themselves up, deposit paper tokens, see their tokens earned, and shop for items in your store priced at your token values. We then take care of delivering their rewards to them.

Call to learn more about getting started, to see our reward prices, or to get your program started today!

Brick & Mortar Reward Store Solution

Our Token Rewards team is extremely dedicated to providing you the best personalized shopping service with amazing products and prices for your on-site rewards store. Our mission is to save you tons of time and a bunch of money while making sure your reward store at your location is always exciting for your students.

It's simple. Tell us about your participant demographics, the frequency of when you need rewards, your token value and your budget. We then select your items, price everything with your token value and deliver it to your door. We also guarantee every item we send you sells. There's no service contract or additional fees, and our prices are what you need to succeed.

Trial Order 100% Guaranteed!
To see what we do without any risk, request a $100 Trial Order. If you don't like our selection or service for any reason, we ship it back to us and won’t charge you a dime. Give us a call today!

Combination of Online and Brick & Mortar Store

Want to use the online store and management app in combination with your physical store?

Great, we know just what you'll need to get started. Give us a call today and we'll have you set up in no time. 800-926-9194

Home / Info Area

Example link to Get Started

Example link to the Product Catalog


Token Rewards' team of highly experienced purchasing agents search far and wide for great products at great prices to fulfill reward programs for kids, teens and young adults.

Place an order at any time or configure automatic reoccurring shipments to one or more locations. To save valuable time stocking your reward store when your shipments arrive, you may opt to have each item labeled with a price tag using your program's token, point, star, or credit conversion rate.
(pictures of reward stores and sample rewards w/ tags)

To easily manage your inventory of reward items, your purchases can be optionally imported into the all new reward program management app at TokenTap.com and the legacy reward program app at Admin.TokenRewards.com.

You can also avoid handling reward inventory entirely by offering products and gift cards from the Token Rewards catalog directly to your program participants in a customized online reward shop powered by TokenTap and Token Rewards. Visit the example Token Academy reward shop to see this in action.

Price Range

  • Price Range
  • Under $1
  • $1 to $2.99
  • $3 to $4.99
  • $5 to $10
  • $10 and Up


  • Category
  • Category Title
    Price: Category:
Loading Catalog
Price Savings Your Qty
In Cart

Add To
Retail Price:  each
Please sign in to add items to your cart.
Item previously ordered and received.
Cart Entries
Ordered Items Orders
Loading Catalog

Special Shipment

Enter the shipment budget, demographics, and other preferences. Then add the "Special Shipment" item to your cart and proceed with the checkout process (tagging preferences and payment).

Min order $50, shipping included?

free shipping on other?

allow other with special shipment?

Old bundler...

Quickly fill your shopping cart with bundle of items automatically selected using your settings below.
After you click "Build My Bundle" you can click "Redo Bundle" until you're satisfied with the selected items.

After you add the bundled items to your cart, add or remove individual items until your order is just right!

Best Variety
Best Value
Max. Item Price
Exclude recently ordered items?   Please Sign In to use this option.
Select "Yes" to exclude any items ordered from Token Rewards in the last 60 days.
Bundle Total:
Item Count:
Distinct Items:
Avg. Item Price:
Retail Value:
Please sign in to add the bundled items to your cart.
There are not enough distinct items that meet your criteria.
To reach your target amount, reduce the min. item price or increase the variety vs. value slider.
Item Total:
Loading Catalog
Account Settings
Orders Orders
User Settings

User Settings

Email Address / Sign In With

Your Name (required)
Title / Position
Phone Number

Max Email Notifications  
Email notifications delivered when students have submitted orders into your online reward program's combined shopping cart.
Saving... Saved

Program Location Settings

Program Location Name

Fulfillment Settings

SimpleStock: $0
eStore&Ship? No
Automatic shipping schedule is not configured.
You may still submit carts or
request shipments at your convenience.
Shipment Schedule:
Not Configured

Reward Program

:    Rewards:

Shipping Address

Building #1234
1000 Test Street
Testy, TX 76704
Address incomplete.
Latest Deliveries
1/1/17 $999.99
1/15/17 $9,999.99

Account Settings


Company Name
Billing address missing
or invalid (not required).

Billing Contact

Payment Method

No payment method on file.

Call (800) 926-9194 to prepay by check or keep a payment card on file for automatic shipments.


Pending Summary

Gift Cards
Item Count
Gift Cards
Ship & Tax*
Total Pending

* Maximum Estimate

Transaction Ledger

Ledger Balance
+ Pending Orders
Account Balance
Stock Inventory
Reconcile Inventory

Choose Shipment To Stock

Stock Shipment #99999

Cart Summary

Item Count
Prev. Due
Total Due

Your credit card will not be charged until delivery.
The shipping rate could not be calculated for

Please verify and update the shipping address.

Update Address


Order Submitted!

View all your
Current Orders

Cart Items
*Maximum Estimated Shipping. When lower shipping rates are available at time of delivery and/or multiple orders are combined into single shipment, your account will be credited the difference.

Sign In...

Forgot Password? Password
Warning! There is no password for your account.
You can set a password in your account area after signing in.
Select Account:
Select Account Role
Show Inactive Accounts
Sign Into...
Stay Signed In?
Yes No
Signing In...

New to Token Rewards?

New Administrators: Create an Account
New Students: Ask your teacher for your personal code and enter it in the sign in area above.
Trouble signing in or creating account?
You may email or call us at...
(800) 926-9194 (9am - 5pm Central US Timezone.)

Email Sign In

Change Email

Your Current Email Address
Before we begin, please confirm you are by entering your password again.

Re-Enter Your Password
Checking... Checked
Your password is good! Next we need to confirm your new email address.

Enter New Email Address
You're already using that email address. Please enter a new one.

Sending Email... Email Sent
A confirmation code has been sent to:

Please check your inbox, if you do not see the e-mail, check your spam folder. Enter the confirmation code below and click save.

Confirmation Code
Checking... Checked

Change Password

We must first verify you are by reconfirming your email address.

Click Okay to have a new email confirmation code delivered to .

Sending Code... Code Sent
A confirmation code has been sent to:

Please check your inbox, if you do not see the e-mail, check your spam folder. Enter the confirmation code below.

Confirmation Code
Checking... Checked
Enter New Password:

Enter New Password Again:

Password must have at least four characters and no spaces.
Saving... Saved

Location & Address

Email address is invalid.
Make sure to enter your phone number if you prefer phone over email communications.
Saving... Saved
* Required

Fulfillment Settings

per student per month


Fulfillment Schedule
Reduce on-site budget by amount submitted in online orders arriving in same shipments?   
Upcoming Deliveries

Please call (800) 926-9194 or to make changes to your SimpleStock or eStore&Ship services.

Exchange Rate
= $1 USD
= $1 of

Age 9 or less 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 & Up
Total Population:

Max. Item Price
Saving... Saved

Get started as a...

Click here to sign in with your assigned account code or create an account with a certificate code you received from an administrator in your reward program.

New Admin Account

You must be over 18 years old to start an administrator account with Token Rewards.

If you choose to offer your rewards online to any children under the age of 13, you must also agree to comply and abide by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 ("COPPA").

Please confirm you are over 18 years old and will comply with COPPA, if applicable. Accounts determined to be in deliberate violation will be suspended and reported to proper authorities.

New Admin Account

Great! Last thing we need to do is confirm your email address. No payment or billing information is required to create your account.

Your Name

Email Address

Organization or Reward Program Name

Delivering confirmation email to:

Confirm Email

A confirmation code has been sent to:

Please check your inbox, if you do not see the email, check your spam folder. Enter the code below.

To have a confirmation code sent to a different email address, .

Confirmation Code
Checking Code...

Create Account

Excellent! Your email address has been confirmed. Check the settings below and create your account.

Program Name
Program Manager
Email Address
We Have

Creating Your Account...

Account Created

Congratulations! Your account and reward program have been successfully created.

You should soon receive an email which contains your password and a link to automatically sign in later.


You may also contact us directly at
or (800) 926-9194.